Your Independent Candidate for the

Reading Central General Election 2024

Michael Jeffrey Turberville

I stand as a resident of the Katesgrove Ward and the Reading Central Parliamentary Electoral Constituency to be the LOGICAL MP for Parliament.

I am Very EU - Reunion / Reunification and Very.. VERY ALL Things done by UK government must be LOGICAL.
We have too many Acts that were created on a whim of the MP/PM for their own personal gain.
I have changed the UK 'Constitution' four times. Three being UKM.
Women born in UK before 01.01.1983 and married and had children outside the UK, her children were NOT UK Citizens.
The Children of UK Men have always been and still are Automatically British.
It took the MP's two amendments to the 1981 Nationality and Immigration Act and an entirely Joint Human Rights committee - New Act (to stop people like Theresa May turning a Birth Right into an Application Process - which she did).
The other is the ending of the sealed doors of Family Courts in England and Wales... 2008.
The level of lies has decreased significantly in Family Court.
My Nationality work 'CAMPAIGNS'... has enfranchised millions of children and grand children of UK born women.
I fully support assisted death. My mum and dad both suffered way too long and if they had been able to take the big exit on their own, they would have rather than waiting and waiting for it to just happen.
The NHS budget return to the above the EU Average and EU Median spend - per capita.
The Ending Prescription Fees.
The Ending Uni Tuition Fees.
New and rebuilding dilapidated Schools.
Equal Pay for Equal Work. Pay should never be Age dependent.
I am not Right, I am not Left... I am What ever works = USE IT. Too many are tied to political party manifestos! When say a person will be abc xyz in a manifesto, and the world Changes, they are tied and bound to their manifesto as well as their political ideology. Oh NO cant do that, it is from another political party's point of view on it! IF Logical USE it/Do it.
HS2 - YES, as well as HS3, HS4, HS5.... HS25... There should be no two urban conurbations in UK and Ireland and NW Continent that are more than two hours maximum travel time by train. When we have a full proper HSR (TGV) Network, we will no longer require internal flights. One airport and put it in North Sea between UK / BeNeLux / France... accessed by High Speed trains with everywhere within 1000km of the Thames Estuary Airport being a maximum of 2.5 hours travel time.
Infrastructure, we desperately require Housing and other supporting infrastructure.
Instead of the never-ending of a patch here, patch there... built New Cities of three to five+ million. China has shown the way to Economic Growth and Prosperity... why are we doing the exact opposite....Just to personally enrich the Tory lords of the 21st Century 'manor house' system we have now in the UK.
Yes - Gay... for those who just Have to know such things...
In Reading there is another option to the political party system that is no longer working because political parties are outdated and should be consigned to the history books.

I have Parliamentary experience as I have been the Chairman of a Non-Governmental Organisation for over 25 years that Lobbied Parliament to recognise that British Women should have a legal right equal to men to pass on their Nationality to their children.
You might not recognise my face but you will probably recognise my three pomeranians who I walk one to two miles most days on the streets of Katesgrove, Abbey, Caversham, and Redlands Wards. So I have a unique perspective of seeing our local issues on a daily basis year-round from the street level.
Michael Turberville
0749 000 2313


Make your Pink Vote count, vote for the your Independent Pink Candidate.